Saturday, January 8, 2011

Baby Khloe

Today I had the absolute pleasure of meeting and photographing Tyler & Gigi's adorable baby girl, Khloe. She's just over 5 weeks old, and such a little doll! I wanted to come on and post a couple teasers for the new parents... so here they are! Congrats you two :)

PS. My newest project - "Prjoect 365" can be found on my facebook page. I've kept it up for 8 days now, and it's so much fun!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Scratch that.....

I don't even know what to say! That was a stupid idea. There's not a chance in hell at me writing a blog post every day. So, like the title says.... scratch that! Here's my new resolution, and it's a lot simpler: blog more often than you did last year. There, that's much more attainable. I'm thinking maybe once a week. Twice if you're lucky. "you" being the imaginary readers of my blog. hehehe. 

So, anyway... Happy new year everybody :) We had a wonderful holiday season despite a 7 hour long, middle of the night, ER visit with Charlie-Man and some hard-core 2-year molar teething issues. The kids were so excited on Christmas morning and it was a lot of fun! I hope everybody else out there enjoyed the holidays too.

Anyways... not much else to report. Just wanted to come sign in and update the silly resolution that I had made.



Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Resolution 2011!

Hello everybody, I’m back! It’s been awhile (again…) but here I am. I have survived my knee surgery and am now back at work full-time. (Blech!)

Anyways, I wanted first to say: Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukkah, Happy New Year ETC… to everybody out there that actually reads this blog (assuming, of course that anybody reads this blog?) and to let you know of a little development that I planned last night while I was tossing and turning trying to get to sleep….

2011 is going to be a big year for me, it is the year that I turn 30 (EEK!) and also the year of our 5 year wedding anniversary! Anyways.. I’ve never really been one to make resolutions (well, you know… other than the usual resolution to start eating healthier and lose some weight, but doesn’t like everybody make that resolution?) Well, this year… I am making a resolution! And it’s a big one! Well for me it is anyway. Here it is: Next year, 2011, I am going to blog of the year. That’s right, all 365 days! Well, that’s the plan at this point anyway. I know, I know… that’s pretty ambitious of me right? But I think I might be able to do it. MIGHT, I said.

I know what you’re thinking… What is she going to write about? Ya, I was thinking that last night too.. At this point, I don’t really know! But it’s not like I have a shortage of exciting things happening in my life ;) I’m thinking I’ll mostly write about my kids, my photography, and my other hobbies (cooking, knitting, crocheting, and all other kinds of creative things) and there will be lots of pictures too. If you know me well, than you know that I have strong opinions, and I don’t give up easily. I really enjoy writing, and although I have not yet been successful at writing a blog on any kind of regular basis, now that I have something to hold me accountable (my resolution) perhaps I will succeed. It will be uncensored, and probably way too much information for some people, but that’s the plan anyhow!

So, there it is. Something to look forward to…. hehe. I’m contemplating whether or not I will start up a new blog, for this special occasion, or if I will just use this one. I’m trying to think of a name for a new blog, just for the next 365 days, if you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment! Either way, I’ll be sure to let you know. Maybe I’ll fail, and I’ll stop blogging after 2 days, or maybe I’ll prove myself wrong and I will actually blog every single day of the year.. who knows? It’s sure to be interesting anyways.

So, for now… I better get back to my “real” job. Once again, happy holidays! I love this time of year :)


Sunday, October 3, 2010

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"

It's been awhile!

In case it has not already become apparent to you.... I suck at blogging!

I am back at work now, and have been for the last few months. It's proven to be almost as awful as I imagined with the 3-4 hours of daily commuting, trying to get dinner ready for the babies (and us too) while trying to make sure the babies don't punch/kick/hit/push/or kill each other, and than trying to get some time for myself in there is almost impossible! But we're getting the hang of it ;) 

I actually just found out last week that I am going to be having surgery on October 7th. If you don't already know, I tore my ACL (a supporting ligament in the knee) in the summer of 2009 and I've been waiting since than for surgery. So anyways, I am happy that it is going to be fixed (finally!) but I'm not very excited about the actual procedure or the recovery period, which I've heard it particularly difficult with this surgery. 

It's not necessarily the best timing either, with Christmas just around the corner so many people are contacting me for family pictures. I am going to try to get whoever I can in within the next 3 days, but otherwise I won't be booking anything until at least the beginning of December. I do know a few photographers that I can recommend if you are looking for some pictures while I am off.

I do have some pictures to share with you today.... The lovely Kalsi family that you have met on this blog many times before recently had some pictures done on a sunny day at Bear Creak Park in Surrey. The last time I blogged about this adorable family was when Kenzie Lee was only 3 days old... My goodness, she has grown!

I have lots of other photos that I'm going to try to get up on the blog before my surgery this week, so stay tuned for more cuteness!!


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Well, my friends, it is with great sadness that I must let you know that today is officially my last day of maternity leave :(

Tomorrow morning I will be waking up at 5:30 A.M (Yuck) and making the 90 minute commute downtown to my oh-so-boring "real" job. I have loved every minute of my maternity leave (ok, maybe not EVERY minute!) and I'm going to miss my babies so much.

So, what am I still doing up? I should be sleeping right? Well, I've been working hard because I wanted to share something with you!

So, on a happier note, without further ado... It is my pleasure to introduce you all to the beautiful little Miss Kenzie Lee Kalsi! She was born on Monday May 31, 2010 and these pictures were taken when she was only 3 days old. She is a little doll, and I can't wait to watch her grow!

Congrats Indra, Gee & Keira! You have a beautiful family xoxo

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"A grand adventure is about to begin" - Winnie the Pooh

As promised, here are a few teasers from a recent maternity shoot.

My dear friend Indra, her husband Gurdeep, and their beautiful 1st born Keira and I met up a few days ago and had a blast doing these photos. I had been wanting to do an outdoor maternity shoot for awhile, and thankfully, Indra and family were game!

I'm glad we got them done when we did because baby #2 should be here anyday. I can't wait!

I hope you guys love them! xoxo

If I decide to be indecisive, that's my decision

It's been awhile (again)....

Things have been going well, and I want to say a big Thank-You once again to all of my friends and family that are supporting me! If you are reading this, than thank you, thank you, thank you!

I've been keeping busy with photoshoots and working on a few different things for my business. I've decided to change my logo and branding (hence my "title" for today's post) and have been spending all of my free time learning about photography related things that I won't get into here.

Unfortunately, my return to my oh-so-boring dayjob is quickly approaching. Less than 3 weeks now :(
I want to cry just thinking about it, so I don't. I stay home with my 2 kidlets in denial... and I work HARD to get my act together and devise some kind of plan that will allow me to be a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom!

Well, stay tuned for a sneak peak at some recent photoshoots, and check out my new look at Hope you like it!
