Sunday, October 3, 2010

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"

It's been awhile!

In case it has not already become apparent to you.... I suck at blogging!

I am back at work now, and have been for the last few months. It's proven to be almost as awful as I imagined with the 3-4 hours of daily commuting, trying to get dinner ready for the babies (and us too) while trying to make sure the babies don't punch/kick/hit/push/or kill each other, and than trying to get some time for myself in there is almost impossible! But we're getting the hang of it ;) 

I actually just found out last week that I am going to be having surgery on October 7th. If you don't already know, I tore my ACL (a supporting ligament in the knee) in the summer of 2009 and I've been waiting since than for surgery. So anyways, I am happy that it is going to be fixed (finally!) but I'm not very excited about the actual procedure or the recovery period, which I've heard it particularly difficult with this surgery. 

It's not necessarily the best timing either, with Christmas just around the corner so many people are contacting me for family pictures. I am going to try to get whoever I can in within the next 3 days, but otherwise I won't be booking anything until at least the beginning of December. I do know a few photographers that I can recommend if you are looking for some pictures while I am off.

I do have some pictures to share with you today.... The lovely Kalsi family that you have met on this blog many times before recently had some pictures done on a sunny day at Bear Creak Park in Surrey. The last time I blogged about this adorable family was when Kenzie Lee was only 3 days old... My goodness, she has grown!

I have lots of other photos that I'm going to try to get up on the blog before my surgery this week, so stay tuned for more cuteness!!


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