Sunday, January 2, 2011

Scratch that.....

I don't even know what to say! That was a stupid idea. There's not a chance in hell at me writing a blog post every day. So, like the title says.... scratch that! Here's my new resolution, and it's a lot simpler: blog more often than you did last year. There, that's much more attainable. I'm thinking maybe once a week. Twice if you're lucky. "you" being the imaginary readers of my blog. hehehe. 

So, anyway... Happy new year everybody :) We had a wonderful holiday season despite a 7 hour long, middle of the night, ER visit with Charlie-Man and some hard-core 2-year molar teething issues. The kids were so excited on Christmas morning and it was a lot of fun! I hope everybody else out there enjoyed the holidays too.

Anyways... not much else to report. Just wanted to come sign in and update the silly resolution that I had made.



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